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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.



Middie Rising


Rosa Parks Elementary

Named High Progress Schools of Honor by ODE

COLUMBUS, Ohio – More than three dozen Ohio schools are being recognized today by the Ohio Department of Education for improving academic achievement among their students, including many from economically disadvantaged homes.

High Progress Schools of Honor score in the top 10 percent of schools as ranked by gains in reading and mathematics combined proficiency in all tested grades for the past five years. They also are in the top 10 percent for gains in graduation rate during the past five years. The department also considers Adequate Yearly Progress, Value-Added measures of student growth and Local Report Card ratings when determining award selection.

“High Progress Schools of Honor establish an educational goal for their students and continue to pursue and exceed that goal each year,” said Dr. Richard A. Ross, superintendent of public instruction. “The principals, teachers, parents and community members provide a high-quality education and believe that children can overcome significant challenges, and that they can learn.”

This year 37 High Progress Schools of Honor are being recognized. The department of education previously recognized 141 Schools of Promise and 37 High Performing Schools of Honor.

The Schools of Promise award program recognizes schools attaining solid student achievement in reading and mathematics while serving a significant number of economically disadvantaged students. As an incentive to help close achievement gaps in Ohio, the Ohio Department of Education developed the Schools of Promise program to identify, recognize and highlight schools that are making substantial progress in ensuring high achievement for all students.

The Schools of Honor initiative builds upon and expands the department of education’s existing Schools of Promise program. The U.S. Department of Education approved the new Schools of Honor program as part of Ohio’s flexibility waiver for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 2012.

See the video from the MIddletown City Council/ MCSD Board joint meeting on Tuesday, March 4.

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