Student Insurance

Student Accident Insurance
Contact Information
Parents should contact the N. Carol Insurance Agency at the following address or by phone if they are interested in this insurance (not to the schools).
For questions about plans, payments, claims, etc., please contact:
N. Carol Insurance Agency, Inc.
Nancy C. Rundels
1989 W. Fifth Ave. Ste. #6
Columbus, Ohio 43212-1912
Phone: (614) 486-1666
For questions about obtaining forms from your school, please contact:
Your school's secretary
School Secretaries should contact Mary Rose Farmer with any questions:
Mary Rose Farmer ext. 2650
Student Insurance Forms
- What is Student Accident Insurance?
- Our school district has made arrangements with Student Protective Agency to provide student accident insurance for those wishing to purchase coverage this year. Please note the coverage shown on the application. Covered losses less than $250 are paid without regard to other insurance.
- K-12 Voluntary Application
- 2020-2021 Student Insurance Plans
- 2020-2021 Student Enrollment Form (Insurance Application)
- Claim Form
- This claim form must be completed and signed by the Organization and the injured Member.
- K-12 Insurance policy
- This policy is issued to the policyholder by Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company (herein referred to as We, Us, Our) on the policy effective date at 12:01 a.m. standard time at Policyholder's address. The Policyholder and Policy Effective Date are shown on the Schedule of Benefits.