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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


K-6 Redistricting Criteria Survey & Results

Middie Rising

Elementary Redistricting Criteria Survey (now closed)

MCSD understands that changes to school boundaries can be sensitive, and we will approach this with care and consideration for all our families. Woolpert will be assisting us in gathering data and input from our community to ensure the final plan reflects our values and needs. The first step is a criteria survey. The purpose of this survey is to collect initial input that will be used to develop boundary options throughout the process.

Your input is critical to this effort and will help ensure we create a solution that meets the needs of our students, families, and the entire Middie community.

Please note that no decisions have been made at this point. This survey is meant to kick off the redistricting process, and your feedback will be used to begin drawing boundary options with community values and desires in mind. All community members will have additional opportunities to provide feedback in person.

Boundary Planning Criteria Survey Results Report: This report reviews the results of the initial criteria survey. 

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