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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


Inclement Weather

Middie Rising

Inclement Weather

School delay and closing information will be broadcast as soon as possible via:

  • All Cincinnati and Dayton commercial television and radio stations
  • One Call Now automated phone system will alert staff and parents.
  • Middletown City Schools website
  • District Social Media
  • All building answering machines will carry the information.

All adult classes, building rentals, and school activities will be canceled on days when school is not in session unless otherwise noted and approved by the Superintendent.

If school is on a two-hour delay:

  • All employees are to report to work as soon as they can arrive safely.
  • There will NOT be AM Preschool

If school must be dismissed early because of bad weather:

  • Messages will be broadcast via the communication outlets above.
  • It is imperative that no child be left stranded or locked out without a parent or other designated responsible adult.
  • Parents whose work schedule prevents them from being present if their child is dismissed early should tell the school secretary their alternate plan in advance of the event.
  • Please call your school secretary if you need to define an alternate plan.
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