About Us

About Us
Miller Ridge Elementary School serves approximately 461 children from kindergarten through fifth grade. There are 24 classrooms, including three full day kindergarten sections.
- Full-time Fine Arts (Art, Music, & P.E.) teachers provide instruction to students in all-day Kindergarten and 1st through 5th grades. Each student receives 45 minutes each day in one of these three subject areas.
- Miller Ridge provides special education services to meet the needs of students in an inclusive environment. Teams of special education teachers and regular education teachers serve students with identified special needs. Speech, occupational therapy, and physical therapy are offered to those students who qualify. Outside counseling agencies provide counseling to students. A nurse provides medical attention to students who need it.
- Free breakfast program for all students.
- Miller Ridge has a Parent Activity Coordinator who plans four fun filled literacy/math evening activities during the school year for Miller Ridge families to enjoy!
- The Miller Ridge PTO is very active supporting students and teachers with numerous activities!