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Miller Ridge Elementary News

Middie Rising

*LISTEN* Student Voice

AUG 29, 2019

What inspires you to do better? To be better? Our students inspire the Middletown community and staff every day. At Convocation 2019, MHS junior Dorothy T. set the tone for the entire school year. Wat...

Middie Meal Machine

ICYMI Journal-News: The Summer of the Middie Meal Machine

AUG 7, 2019

Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark joined the Middletown Schools community at the final Middie Meal Machine summer food truck stop. Read the article below to find out why the first summer of t...

group of students

First Day of School is August 13 – Get Ready!

JUL 30, 2019

Not only is the first day of school just a few weeks away, so are some awesome events to get you ready. We want our students’ first day of school to be awesome – and that awesomeness starts with being...

open house schedules poster

Open House Schedules

JUL 29, 2019

Not only is the first day of school just a couple weeks away, so are our Open Houses to get you ready!

Students performing CPR

ICYMI Middletown taught CPR to sixth-graders as part of this ‘inside look’ camp

JUL 2, 2019

"About 40 students entering the sixth grade in the Middletown City School District had the opportunity to participate in the city’s first Fire Camp...

"Fire Capt. Jon Harvey said the two-day fire cam...

(Back, L-R) Kee Edwards, principal, Michael Valenti, principal, Debbie Sander, senior director of student services, Jenny Dennis, principal, Marlon J. Styles, Jr., superintendent, Melissa Prohaska, in

Middletown Wins International Award (2019)

JUN 6, 2019

In Good Company: ISTE Selects Educators from Around the World for 2019 Awards

Middletown Schools Wins Distinguished District Award

Midpointe Library

MidPointe Library: Summer Food Service

JUN 3, 2019

Summer Lunch Program Available from Two MidPointe Locations

Posted By: Cari Hillman, MidPointe Library 
Thursday, May 30, 2019

To most people, “summer” is synonymous with no school, fun in the sun an...

Hurdle on MHS track

May 17: Middie Olympics will open Middletown’s new stadium

MAY 15, 2019


Journal-News: Middie Olympics will open Middletown’s new stadium

In this latest article by Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark, we read about the brand new track and f...
Ayesha Winfrey, paraprofessional at Rosa Parks Elementary

In the News: Barriers Removed to Help Teaching Assistants Get Licensed

MAY 15, 2019


Tonisha Johnson from Spectrum News 1 visited Rosa Parks Elementary and sat down with Debbie Houser, MCSD Human Resource Director, Ayesha Winfrey, paraprofessional at Rosa Park...

Kim Plotts with the Middletown Board of Education & Superintendent

ICYMI Journal-News: Middletown School Bus Driver Saves Life

MAY 7, 2019


In this article, Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark shares a heroic story about one of Middletown City School District’s bus drivers. Thanks to Kim Plott, bus driver, ...

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