Welcome back! What You Need to Know

Welcome Back, Middies! Here are some Frequently Asked Questions by MMS Students & Guardians:
School hours:
The student day is from 8:00am to 3:00pm. The Main office is open 7:30am to 3:30pm.
Phone Numbers
Main Office: 513-420-4528
Mrs. Caudell, Main Office Secretary
Mr. Valenti, MMS Building Principal
Counseling Office: 513-420-4531
Mrs. Parsons, Counseling Secretary
Mrs. Blue, 7th Grade Counselor
Miss King, 8th Grade Counselor
Ms. Wambaugh, 7th/8th Grade Counselor
Nick Dehoff, School Psychologist
Attendance Office: 513-420-4530
Mrs. Robbins, Attendance Secretary
Mrs. Sayre, Assistant Principal
Mr. Salyer, Assistant Principal
Chromebook Deployment/Class Schedule pick-up/School Supply pick-up:
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021 -9:00am-7:00pm: all 7th and 8th grade students (in-person & virtual) will pick up their district-issued devices at MMS. In addition, students will pick up their school supplies, and class schedule. Students will be permitted to walk their schedule so that they are familiar with where to go on their first day of school. Pick up will be for all students starting with the first letter of their last name. It is extremely important that you pick up the materials.
- 9:00am-11:30am-Last names starting with letters A-F
- 11:30am-2:00pm-Last names starting with letters G-M
- 2:00pm-4:30pm-Last names starting with N-S
- 4:30-7:00pm-Last names starting with T-Z
** If you cannot come during your scheduled time, then please come when you can to pick up your materials.
**If you did not turn in a computer or hotspot from last year, you must do so before you can receive your new computer or hotspot for this school year.
PARENTS OF ALL INCOMING 7TH GRADERS AND NEW 8TH GRADERS: If your student will be entering 7th grade or is a new 8th grader, he or she MUST have two vaccines required by the Ohio Department of Health:
- Tdap booster vaccine within the past five years (2016 or later) BEFORE the first day of school. 8/12/21.
- Meningococcal vaccine one dose BEFORE the first day of school 8/12/21. If your student received this dose at any time before 8/12/21, the requirement has been met.
These are requirements of the Ohio Department of Health.
If your son or daughter has NOT yet had their Tdap booster and/or meningococcal vaccines and you are concerned about getting them, parents in Ohio do have the option to sign a parental waiver for immunizations. It is hoped that when you are comfortable getting the vaccines that you will have your child get the recommended immunizations. By signing the waiver, it will make your child compliant for school immunization requirements in August.
Students can receive these vaccines from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm on August 11th at the Primary Health Solutions Clinic (behind Middletown High School) or at Primary Health Solutions - Middletown Community Health Clinic at 1036 S. Verity Pkwy in Middletown from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
In order to start school or pick up devices and materials - All students must have these two vaccinations or a parent must sign a parental waiver for these immunizations.
Please click the button below in order to access the Primary Health Solutions packet that needs to be filled out in order to receive the vaccinations:
Staggered Start to School Year:
We are getting ready to welcome back all our K-12 Middies! Instead of everyone starting on the same day, we have decided a staggered start is the best choice for our students. We hope this allows our students to ease back into the school year, especially since many of our Middies will be returning to in-person learning for the first time since March 2020.
Grades 1-8:
Only last names A-L will attend school on Thursday, August 12
Only last names M-Z will attend school on Friday, August 13
All students will attend school together on Monday, August 16
Masks/Safety Protocols:

Will there be a school supply list?
In an effort to ease your transition back to the classroom, Middletown City School District will provide all K-12 students with school supplies. Please send your child/ren to school with a backpack and water bottle (if desired).
Bus route information is posted on the district website Transportation Page, Middletown City Schools Facebook page, and our Twitter page @MMSMiddies.
Please call Transportation Services at 513-420-4568 with any questions or concerns.
Students Entering the Building
Students will begin unloading the buses at 7:48am by gradual release. An administrator will board each bus on the first day of school informing the students where they should enter the building. A building map will also be provided at deployment on August 11th.
Students will enter various doors based on teams.
- Team 7-1: cafeteria doors
- Team 7-2: Door T (hallway door under stairs by Room 150)
- Team 7-3: cafeteria doors
- Team 8-1: cafeteria doors
- Team 8-2: Door U (pod door at 8-2)
- Team 8-3: Door S (pod door at 8-3)
Students that are car riders/walkers/bikers will enter through the cafeteria doors.
Students Leaving the Building
Dismissal will begin at 2:58. Students will be dismissed by pod over the PA. Students will exit the building through the same door as they enter, and go directly to their bus.
Where do I drop off or pick up my student if I am not using bus transportation?
Students can be dropped off at the front entrance utilizing the curb lane only. Please do not drop off students blocking the middle or far lane from the curb. Afternoon dismissal is staggered by team dismissal. Please do not park cars, or leave cars unattended in front of MMS as this will block traffic for the Middle and High School, and make for unsafe conditions when dropping off / picking up your student.
Breakfasts will be given to students by cafeteria workers as they enter the building through their assigned door. Only students eating breakfast should take a bag.
Breakfast should only be eaten in the student’s first period classroom.
Parents can track student’s progress through Progressbook. Go to the district website: Middletown Schools and click on the “Progressbook” link. If you have an active account from last school year, your current user name and password will carry over to this school year. If you need to create an account, please call the Counseling Office for assistance at 513-420-4531.
Midterms grades will be posted on Progressbook on September 10th, November 12th, February 4th and April 14th.
Student-led conferences will be on October 19th & 21st; February 8th & 10th from 3:15-6:45pm. More information will be shared at a later date.
Quarter Grades will be posted on Progressbook on October 15th, January 7th, March 25th and May 25th.
What does APP stand for on my student’s schedule?
APP stands for Advisory Pride Program. The purpose of APP is to create a positive student centered environment, provide an atmosphere that fosters personal growth and development, and enhance communication among students at home and school. Your student’s advisor will be your first contact to communicate any information regarding your student or to ask any questions and address any concerns. APP will take place every Wednesday and Thursday.
If I have a question about my student’s schedule, whom should I contact?
Our scheduling system allows us to build student schedules with the best possible match to student choices. Classes are scheduled upon availability and balanced class sizes. If you notice a problem with your student’ schedule please contact the Counseling Office, 513-420-4531. If you are a virtual student or parent and have a question about your schedule please contact the Counseling Office and direct your questions to Catie Wambaugh.
My student was absent yesterday. Does he or she need a note?
Yes. We need a note / email / phone call every time your student is absent. Any of the previously mentioned will suffice. Please call the attendance office with questions. You can report an absence on our district website.
My student is coming late / tardy today. What should I do?
Please call or email in the morning before school to let us know the reason for tardiness. If you cannot do either of these, please send the student with a note to excuse the tardiness. Your student needs a note every time he or she is tardy or absent. It will be considered unexcused otherwise.
Do I have to come to the office to pick up my student early from school?
Yes. A legal guardian must come in to sign their student out any time before the end of the school day. The student will be called out of class once the guardian arrives in the office.
Water Bottles
Students are allowed to bring a water bottle from home. There are refilling stations throughout the building and in each POD for students to utilize. Water fountains will not be available for student use.
Chromebooks and chargers must be taken home to charge in the evening. Students CANNOT store chromebooks in their lockers or at school.
How do I keep up with daily announcements and sports schedules?
Please check our school website, Middletown Middle School, for daily postings of announcements and activity schedules. We also post on our social media accounts provided below.
- MMS Twitter page: View Twitter
- MMS Facebook page: View Facebook
- District Facebook Page: View Facebook
- District Twitter Page: View Twitter
Are there extracurricular clubs or organizations available to students?
We currently offer: Student Council, Newspaper Club, Art & Literature Club, Middie News, LatinX, Drama Club, and Hope Squad.
Are there volunteering opportunities?
There are possible volunteer opportunities throughout the school year. Information will be sent home for help with events such as Book Fairs, school fundraisers, school dance chaperones, picture day, etc.
What if I have a question in regards to school breakfast or lunch?
Please contact the cafeteria in regards to these questions at 513-217-2778.
Do we need to purchase a lock for the lockers?
No. Students will receive their locker assignment on the first day of school. If students lose or do not return their lock, they will be charged a fee of $5.00.
Where can I pay school fees or athletic fees?
Fees may be paid in the Main Office with Mrs. Caudell.
**Please note, MMS has a security system at our front door. This will require visitors to push a button to communicate to the office who they are and the reason for their visit prior to entering the building. The door will be released electronically from the office when approved. The building will remain locked during school hours. Please be patient with us as we are doing our best to keep our students and staff safe.**
We are looking forward to a great school year, Middies!