Middletown Middle School News

In Loving Memory
It is with great sadness that I announce that one of our staff members passed away on Thursday, January 13. All of us are deeply saddened by the loss of Matthew Combs and we want you to know that we a...

Covid Update #3: Calamity Days District-Wide
Due to an increased number of confirmed cases of COVID-19, other illnesses, and/or quarantines of our staff and students in our district, we have decided to use our calamity days tomorrow, Friday, Ja...

ProgressBook App
Download the New ProgressBook App (en Espanol)
With the Frontline ProgressBook Parent /Student mobile app, students and their families can track grades, view homework assignments, monitor attendance,...

Covid Update #1: Temporary Mask Requirement
UPDATE: January 4, 2022
Based on updated guidance from the City of Middletown Health Department, the Middletown City School District will temporarily require all students, staff, and visitors to wear...

Middletown City Schools Statement: TikTok
We are aware of the December 17 TikTok “challenge” and we are grateful for our partnership with the Middletown Police Department and our School Resource Officers who will continue to have an important...

Middletown City School District Comes to Contract Agreement with Union
The Middletown City School District (MCSD) Board of Education today approved a two year compensation agreement with the Middletown Teachers Association (MTA), the MCSD teacher union.
The two year de...
ICYMI Middies Heading to State
Fox19 caught up with the MHS eSports Fortnite team to discuss the program, the upcoming state game, and the future of gaming in the Middie.

Companions on a Journey Honors Three Local Grief Heroes for National Child’s Grief Awareness Day
Companions on a Journey Honors Three Local Grief Heroes for National Child’s Grief Awareness Day
Did you know…1 in 11 children in Ohio will experience the death of a parent or sibling by their 18th b...

Tickets on sale: Hall of Fame
Tickets On Sale For The 17th MHS Athletic Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony!
The Middletown Athletic Department is proud to announce the Class of 2022 Athletic Hall of Fame.
The MHS Athletic Hall of F...

MHS eSports Team Hosting Regional Finals
When: Saturday, November 20 and Sunday, November 21
Saturday November 20th (Doors Open at 7:30am)
- 8am-Noon - Valorant Regional Final...