
Looking for a way to get involved? Come help at MHS! We are looking for parents to help with picture days, ice cream socials, homecoming (coat check), and many other opportunities to get involved. If you have any questions, email Juley Lawson at or you may call the school and leave a message (513) 420-4500
It's a GREAT day to be a MIDDIE! Get involved and stay informed!
Kroger Plus Card #YX263
Link your Kroger Plus Card to MHS Middie PRIDE and help us earn rewards for our school.
You keep all of your Kroger Plus points/benefits and MHS Middie PRIDE receives rewards, too.
It is FREE! Register at the link above!
The Middletown Musical Arts Club (MMAC) (a.k.a MiddieMusic Boosters) is a group of volunteers who support the musical arts programs at Middletown High School. We support our student musicians by providing funds for music, uniforms, props, clinicians, refreshments, and other items needed throughout the year. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room at MHS.
· Parents and legal guardians of any MHS student involved in band, choir, orchestra, marching band, winter guard, show choir, etc. are invited and welcome to participate.
· MMAC is a 501(c)(3) organization
· There are no membership fees
· The MMAC board consists of five elected officers and up to twenty-four elected trustees who are responsible in determining how to raise and distribute funds to musical groups at MHS.
· Officers and Trustees are elected during the May meeting for the next school year
· Funds are raised throughout the year by working concessions at home football and basketball games as well as other fundraising events
· MMAC awards seven scholarships each year to outstanding seniors and hosts a senior banquet
Visit our website – - for information on upcoming events and ways to get involved.
Please contact us at if you have any questions.
The Middie Athletic Booster is an organization designed to support all athletic programs in the Middletown School System. We are focused on growing, supporting, and fundraising for our athletic teams, as well as support for the Coaches and Athletes through training and scholarships. We are devoted to making sure every athlete's experience is positive, and an avenue for growth and discipline.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the officers below:
Stephanie Cooper, President
Maria Langendorf, Vice President –
Andrew Locke, Treasurer –
Nikole Locke, Secretary –