Circulation Policies

Circulation Policies
Students are allowed to check out 3 books at a time. If you owe over $2.00 in fees or missing materials, you are blocked by the system and cannot check out additional items.
Students may keep everyday materials for 2 weeks. Reference materials are checked out for a day at a time. Renewals are allowed if no one is waiting for the book. Teachers need to return materials at semester’s end.
High School students with late or overdue materials are fined .10 per school day for everyday materials. Reference materials are .25 per day.
If you lose the item, the cost needs to be paid before you may check out more items. If you fail to pay it out, the amount goes to the bookkeepers office to be added to your fee statement. It will need to be paid before your diploma can be awarded. Media Center fees and fines are not included in the free & reduced package.