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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


Program of Study & Scheduling Information

Middie Rising

Midd State (formerly MVP)

This program is an option for the non-traditional student.  Students and parents may select this option for the 2024-25 school year as a part of their course scheduling process.  Midd State offers students the opportunity to work virtually on a flexible schedule with the opportunity to get face-to-face support. Midd State utilizes the Apex Learning System as the content provider, supported by Middletown teachers, counselors, and administrators.  This allows students to make up credits, and work at their own pace to accommodate a more flexible schedule with the possibility of early graduation.  Students and parents will participate in a required orientation to Midd State and have the opportunity to meet their teachers and learn about the personalized program.  Attendance is tracked through academic progress.  In-person tutoring, support, and mentoring sessions will be scheduled for students to attend to support their personalized plans. Core classes and elective courses are available through the Apex Learning system.  Students are required to meet both Middletown and State of Ohio Graduation requirements which currently include end-of-course assessments that must be taken in person at the time scheduled by the district. 

Students will have the opportunity to participate in all extracurricular activities and athletics as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.  School news and information will be regularly shared regarding events and activities.  Capacity for this program may be limited and enrollment will require a commitment for the entire school year. 


Students interested in this program should register by contacting their counselor. 


9th Grade Scheduling Information (Current 8th Grade)

9th Grade Course Selection Form

Scheduling Information (Current 9th Grade) 

 10th grade registration video.mp4

10th Grade Couse Selection Form

Scheduling Information (Current 10th Grade) 

 11th grade registration video 2.mp4

11th Grade Course Selection Form

 Scheduling Information (Current 11th Grade)

 12th grade registration video.mp4

12th Grade Course Selection Form

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