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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


Other Educational Opportunities

Middie Rising

Other Educational Options

College Credit Plus

 As part of House Bill487., students in Middletown City schools in grades 7-12 may enroll full or part-time in nonsectarian and nonremedial college courses for high school and college credit that apply toward a college degree or professional certificate. Students must secure paperwork and submit the CCP Intent to Participate form prior to April of the year they want to enroll in this program, attend a student/parent meeting with their counselor by the designated April date, and submit any additional paperwork (application) through the college institution for acceptance. For more information and how to apply, please click here. 


Midd State

The Midd State is a personalized learning experience for students in grades 10-12. Students and parents may select this option for the current or next school year as part of their course scheduling process. (Openings for this program vary and are based on availability at the time of request)


Flexible Credit Option

Credit flexibility is another opportunity for students to earn high school credit. All students must discuss this credit flexibility option with their parents and guidance counselor before completing an application. Please see your guidance counselor for an application packet. The deadline to submit an application for the following school year is March 31st. Some of the questions that you should consider before completing the application:

  • How does flex credit relate to my high school goals, future academic goals, and/or occupational goals? What prerequisites have I had to prepare me to take this course?
  • After reviewing the curriculum for this course, be able to state what skills/content you will need to demonstrate mastery of?
  • What skills do I need to demonstrate or cite that I have performed/experienced? 
  • What multifactor methods will be used to assess my credit flexibility plan?
  • What methods will I use to demonstrate mastery for credit: projects, tests, labs, internship research, portfolio, or final exam?


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