
End Of Course (EOC) Testing Dates for Middletown High School
End Of Course (EOC) Testing Dates for High School Students
- April 9 – English II (The building will be closed except for students' testing. All other students will be virtual this day.)
- April 14 & ...

March 19 is a Remote Learning Day for K-6 Students
March 19 will be a Remote Learning Day for all kindergarten through 6th grade students in Middletown City School District (MCSD). All K-6 students will learn from home on this day.

High School Students to Engage in Experiential Learning Day
On Tuesday, February 27, while juniors are taking the ACT, freshman, sophomore, and senior students at Middletown High School will embark on a day of experiential learning opportunities. The immersive...
November 8: Personalized Learning Day
Personalized Learning is a student-led day of choice (students do not report to school). On Personalized Learning Days, our teachers and staff will engage in professional development while the student...

Preparing for Tomorrow, Today
You've probably heard about the Passport to Tomorrow, seen the badges on all the elementary school buildings, or read the mailer that went home last year. We've been hard at work breathing life into o...

Open House & Device Distribution Information
Open House & Device Distribution Information
Welcome back to school, Middies! Here is your one-stop shop for all device pick-up times and open house dates/times. Remember: The HIGH SCHOOL will also h...

A Safety Update from Superintendent Styles
Dear Middletown Families and Staff:
Over the summer, school safety has been at the forefront of our thoughts. The new school year is just weeks away, and I want to thank you for entrusting your child...

Full-Scale Safety Exercise Planned for Middletown City School District
The Middletown Police Department will be training at the Middletown High School and Middle School campus Monday, 8/1, 9 AM-Noon. Please do not be alarmed by the shouting & simulated gunfire. During th...

August 10: MHS Picture Day
Say cheese! Middletown High School PICTURE DAY is on August 10 during device pick-up. You will need to place your order before you take your picture! Click for details.

July Food Truck Schedule
July: Middie Meal Machine
Join us this month for delicious and free lunch! Click here to view the July food truck schedule.

Turn in Your Chromebooks
This June and July, we will have multiple options for you to return your Chromebook and hotspot to the MCSD Tech Department. You can return the items to either the high school of the district office d...

Free Lunch Schedule
The Middie Meal Machine is Back--Now Monday through Friday!
Starting Monday, June 6, the Middie Meal Machine Food Truck will travel the City of Middletown and have free food for all children. Follow ...

CBI expanding our FREE Summer Learning and Afterschool Opportunities!
On April 28, the Community-Building Institute Middletown (CBIM) was awarded three grants from the Ohio Department of Education to expand existing and create new free summer learning opportunities and ...

Help Review World Languages Textbooks

Welcoming New Leadership in Middletown
Middletown City School District (MCSD) is excited to announce two strategic leadership changes: the appointment of Suzanna Davis as the district’s next Senior Director of Student Services and the pro...

Covid Update #6: Masks Strongly Recommended
At the February 14, 2022 Board of Education meeting, the Board made the decision to change the “required” masking to “strongly recommended.”
Masking is still required on school buses.

Snow Days: Feb. 3-4, 2022

Covid Update #5: Optional, school-based testing program
As part of steps to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep our schools open for in-person learning, the district is offering all students a free, optional COVID-19 Testing Program. If you’re intere...

Covid Update #4: Mask Requirement Extended
At the Jan. 24 Board of Education meeting, the board voted to extend the mask requirement. They will revisit the decision at the Feb. 14 meeting.
In the survey sent to both parents and staff, 524 st...

In Loving Memory
It is with great sadness that I announce that one of our staff members passed away on Thursday, January 13. All of us are deeply saddened by the loss of Matthew Combs and we want you to know that we a...

Covid Update #3: Calamity Days District-Wide
Due to an increased number of confirmed cases of COVID-19, other illnesses, and/or quarantines of our staff and students in our district, we have decided to use our calamity days tomorrow, Friday, Ja...

Covid Update #1: Temporary Mask Requirement
UPDATE: January 4, 2022
Based on updated guidance from the City of Middletown Health Department, the Middletown City School District will temporarily require all students, staff, and visitors to wear...

Middletown City Schools Statement: TikTok
We are aware of the December 17 TikTok “challenge” and we are grateful for our partnership with the Middletown Police Department and our School Resource Officers who will continue to have an important...

Sock Drive: All November
Sock Drive for Shoes 4 the Shoeless
During this season of giving, Middletown City School District is hosting a SOCK DRIVE for Shoes 4 the Shoeless. Please consider donating BRAND NEW, non-name brand ...

MHS Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
Dear Middletown High School Parent/Guardian: On Monday, November 1, 2021, our parent/teacher conferences will be held at Middletown High School from 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. These conferences are a ver...

October TikTok Challenge: Slap a Teacher
Dear Butler County Friends and Families:
The partnership between a school district and its families is key to ensuring that students are making choices that are in their best interest. That’s why the...

Message from the Superintendent
In the past week, schools around Ohio - and across the country - have been hit by acts of vandalism that appear to be inspired by a trend on the social media app TikTok. This trend encourages people t...

Middletown Night at Great American Ball Park
For all other fans, you can click the “Buy Now” to purchase tickets at a discounted rate, with a portion of each ticket benefitting Middie Way Youth baseball.
Middletown City Schools Requiring Masks District-Wide
We know the majority of our students learn best when they are in a classroom setting and we are determined to keep our buildings fully open for them. Due to the strong recommendations by our medical p...

Back to School: Part 3
2021 Fall Season at Middletown High School/Middle School
Athletic Department Pre-participation Information:
To tryout or participate, you MUST:
- Register ONLINE through Final Forms Final Forms
- C...

Middletown Names Kelven Moss Varsity Boys Basketball Coach
Middletown City School District (MCSD) Board of Education approved Kelven Moss as the new varsity boys basketball coach for the Middletown High School (MHS) Middies. A 2001 MHS alumnus, Coach Moss loo...

2021-22 Calendar Approved
At the Monday, March 22, 2021 Board of Education meeting, the board approved the 2021-22 school district calendar. To view the calendar, click below:

"James You Are Loved" Memorial Fund
The purpose of the Memorial Fund is to provide monetary support for James’s two siblings, Rachel and Lucas. One hundred percent of the donations received will go to the sib...

Change of Schedule: Week of Feb. 22
Change of Schedule: Week of February 22 *All K-12 in-person learners* On Friday, February 26, district teachers and staff will receive their 2nd dose of the COVID-19 va...

MCSD COVID-19 Guidelines: 14-Day Quarantine Protocol
MCSD made the decision to stay with our current safety protocols including the 14-day quarantine.

High School going remote Dec. 3 - Dec. 18
As you know, there has been a recent increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in our area. Starting tomorrow, December 3 through Friday, December 18, all MHS students (A-Z) will have classes...

Middletown to Extend Hybrid Phase-In
The Middletown City School District (MCSD) Board of Education (BOE) voted unanimously to extend the transition back to the classroom. The district will stay in a hybrid setting through the December ho...

The enrollment period ends November 13 at 11:59 PM
(Desplácese hacia abajo para español)
Starting Thursday, October 22, 2020, you can enroll or re-enroll your ...

JV/Varsity Football Games Cancelled
We received notice that the test results of a Middletown High School football coach has been confirmed as positive by the City of Middletown Health Department. All MHS JV and Varsity football workouts...

Transition from Remote to Back to Classroom
Today, October 1, 2020, due to improving public health data, the Middletown Board of Education determined that our city has made significant improvements related to the mitigation of COVID-19. Thanks ...

Graduation at Barnitz Stadium: Class of 2020
On Saturday, October 17 at 2 PM, there will be one graduation ceremony at Barnitz Stadium. Three hundred and sixty strong, Middletown City Schools congratulates the Class of 2020 for their success!
Chromebook Hardware Support
Chromebook Hardware Support Located at MHS near the main entrance. Simply walk up to DOOR C and into the vestibule. Hours of operation: Monday - Friday: 8 AM-12 PM AND 1 PM-3 PM We can repair, check ...

From the Desk of Marlon Styles, Jr., Superintendent
(Desplácese hacia abajo para español.)
Dear Parents/Guardians, staff, and Middletown Community:
It is with great sadness that I report that one of our students has died as a result of a medical myst...

Middletown Schools Partially Lifts Fall Extracurricular Activities Suspension
(Desplácese hacia abajo para español.) Middletown City School District (MCSD) today announced the partial lift of the July 30 suspension of all fall extracurricular and campus activities. Starting Mon...
Device & Supplies Pick-Up
(versión en español) Devices and school supplies for the 2020-21 school year will be distributed to all active students in grades 1-12 at the student's school. You must be enrolled prior to August 17....

"Return to Learn" Plan & Guidelines
From the Desk of Marlon Styles, Jr., Proud Superintendent Dear Middies: The Middletown City School District believes the reopening of our schools should be a decision informed by applicable health and...

Graduation Details - July 9
Middletown High School announces Graduation Ceremonies at Barnitz Stadium on July 9, 2020. There will be three ceremonies to honor the Covid-19 requirements for crowds and social distancing. Stratford...

Black Male Superintendent’s 24 Hours of Joy & Pain - 3 Things
Press the pause button for just one minute. It is time for me to reflect on the last 24 hours of my professional life. I want to share my thoughts with you. My emotions include both joy and pain as...

"I believe in you." A Superintendent's Message of Hope
To our students, breathe. You represent the hope in this country that will ensure the fair treatment of all people. You represent not just change, but breath and hope. Yes, hope. For this reason, ...

Update #19: Athletics & Facilities
The Middletown Athletic Department is in constant communication with OHSAA and the Middletown Board of Health. We are excited by the news about sports opening back up, but we will take the proper amou...

Happy Retirement, Middies!
Cindy Higgins Ms. Higgins has been serving in Middletown Schools for 32 years, most recently at Amanda Elementary. Her greatest memories will always be the interactions with students because “no two d...

Update #18: COVID-19 Food Locations and Times
May 20, 2020 is the last day of the May meal pick-ups, but we will be back in June! Starting June 1 - June 30 (Monday-Friday, 10-11 AM), meal bags (breakfast and lunch) will be available from five of ...

Virtual Graduation Video
Happy (virtual) graduation day! While we’re all disappointed we’re not in Barnitz Stadium right now, at least we can celebrate apart together. We’d like to thank the MHS senior class officers for push...

Virtual Graduation: May 19, 2020
Several members of the class of 2020 have asked to pick up their diplomas early due to leaving for the military and other life commitments. As a result, we have decided to go forth with a virtual gra...

MHS Grading Update
Middletown High School Grading System 2019-20 Due to the COVID-19 Shutdown of schools beginning March 16, 2020, Middletown High School will implement the following adjustment to the grading and grant...

Update #17 COVID-19: Student Pick-Up Information
Middletown High School Students with last names beginning with A-M will pick up at the front of the building by the main entrance on Thursday, May 7, 2020 from 9:00 AM to noon. Students with last nam...

Update #16 COVID-19: Video Message
In the latest video update from Superintendent Styles, he addresses: 1.) the locker/cubby cleanout process (aka how can I get my student's things?!), 2. grades and promotions, and 3.) how to access fr...

Survey: Remote Learning in Middletown
Dear Parents and Guardians: Feedback from our students and parents is a critical piece to our future planning and we encourage you to answer the questions in the survey as the Middletown Schools Remot...

Update #15 COVID-19: School Closing
[Versión en español] Dear Parents and Guardians: On April 20, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine made an announcement ordering all of Ohio’s public, community, and private K-12 school buildings to close to st...

2020 Graduation Information
To Middletown High School’s Graduating Seniors, Juniors, and Parent/Guardians: In light of the Covid 19 virus, the shut down order, the social distancing requirements, and the continued health threat,...

Senior Fee Information
Do you have questions about senior fee payments? Parents/students email Ms. Adkins at to make payment or to request a financial waiver. Thank you!

Update #13: COVID-19 Extension of School Closure
Dear Parents and Guardians: On March 30, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine made an announcement extending his March 12 order for all of Ohio’s public, community, and private K-12 school buildings to remain c...

Update #11 COVID-19
How was your first week learning in the home? We missed you! A big thank you for all the positive remarks, fun pictures, and open-mindedness as we navigate our new normal together.

Update #9: COVID-19 Shared Harvest Meal Pick-Up
In addition to the school meals: On Thurs., March 19 from 12-2p & 2-4p, Shared Harvest will have a meal pick up at the Middletown Early Learning Center (ELC) located at 1516 1st Ave.

Update #10: COVID-19 Student Assignment Update

Update #8: COVID-19 Update and FAQ
Per the recommendation of Gov. DeWine, Superintendent Marlon Styles, Jr., and the Middletown School Board closed all Middletown City Schools and the district office effective Monday, March 16 through ...

Update #6: COVID-19 Food Schedule & Other Information
We know you have questions and we’re working on getting all the answers! On Monday, March 16 (no school), we will post answers, updates, etc. on our website and share the link on social media and emai...

Senior Madison Culp signed with Shawnee State for Soccer
Senior Madison Culp signed with Shawnee State for Soccer. Madison was a 2 time All League player for the Middies.
Shawnee State University (SSU) is a public university in Portsmouth, Ohio. Establishe...

EdChoice Voucher Update
Speakers: Mike Holbrook, superintendent at Hamilton City School District, Michael Berding, BOE president at Fairfield City School District, Todd Bowling, superintendent at Northwest Local School Distr...

Stuff the Bus: Supplies Drive
Crosstown "Stuff the Bus" Supplies Drive Lakota, Hamilton, and Middletown Schools will hold food & supplies drive in October. Middletown's drive will support the Middie Success Program! Bring on the M...

Hispanic Heritage Celebration
You're invited to our Hispanic Heritage Celebration! On Thursday, October 10, our students will honor Hispanic Heritage! Come experience Hispanic culture, art, music, and food! You'll see student perf...
*LISTEN* Student Voice
What inspires you to do better? To be better? Our students inspire the Middletown community and staff every day. At Convocation 2019, MHS junior Dorothy T. set the tone for the entire school year. Wat...

MHS Parking Pass
August 5 and 12 from 1:00-2:30PM: Student Parking Passes will be sold in the Main Office. Passes are $30 and parking will be assigned spots.
Parking Pass Applications do require a parent signature an...

First Day of School is August 13 – Get Ready!
Not only is the first day of school just a few weeks away, so are some awesome events to get you ready. We want our students’ first day of school to be awesome – and that awesomeness starts with being...

Open House Schedules
Not only is the first day of school just a couple weeks away, so are our Open Houses to get you ready!

Ten Middletown High School Athletes Sign Letters of Intent
Middletown City School District today announced Diana Bogotay as the new varsity swim coach at Middletown High School, pending board approval. Bogotay previously served as Assistant Swim Coach for Mid...

Ten Middletown High School Athletes Sign Letters of Intent
Journal-News: Middie Olympics will open Middletown’s new stadium

Middletown High School Names Russell Banks New Varsity Girls Basketball Coach
Middletown City School District today announced Russell Banks as the new girls varsity basketball coach at Middletown High School, pending board approval. Banks boasts many years coaching basketball, ...

Announcing Our New Athletic Director
Middletown City School District today announced Justin “JD” Foust as the new Athletic Director. A Cincinnati native, Foust has spent the past nine years in athletic director positions at Norwood City ...

ICYMI Local 12 Visits the Middie Meal Machine
Middie Meal Machine will deliver meals for students while on school breaks
by Kathryn Robinson, WKRC
Thursday, April 25, 2019
MIDDLETOWN, Ohio (WKRC) - The Middletown City School District is taking an ...
New video! The Jackie Robinson Initiative: Retiring #42
This spring 2019, Middletown High School and Fairfield High School were two of the first high schools to retire Jackie Robinson's #42. A big thank you to the Cincinnati Reds and The Joe Nuxhall Charac...

MHS to Retire Jackie Robinson's #42
Wednesday, April 10: Middletown High School to Retire Jackie Robinson's Jersey Number

Middletown’s First Food Truck Battling Against Hunger
Journal-News: Middletown’s First Food Truck Battling Against Hunger
Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark was one of the first to see Middletown City School District’s f...
Reds Tickets at Discounted Price!
The Middletown Middies High School Baseball team is excited to extend the opportunity for you to purchase Cincinnati Reds view level tickets for just $12.00 each for 4 different games. You will save $...
Dayton Dragons Tickets
Let's help our Middies Baseball team play at the Dayton Dragons Stadium!
Change in Middletown Schools Open Enrollment Practice
Each school year, the Middletown City School District (MCSD) administrators re-evaluate the district’s open enrollment policy. At the March 18, 2019 Board of Education (BOE) meeting, Marlon Styles, Jr...

NAACP Black History Month Essay Contest 2019
The Middletown Branch of the NAACP is having a Black History Month Essay Contest that is open to ALL students! The deadline to submit your essay is Monday, APRIL 8, 2019. Good luck, Middies!

Middletown High School Earns LEED Gold Certification
The newly-modernized Middletown High School in Middletown, Ohio, has received Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) for Schools Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council....

FAQ Elementary Expansion Project
Over the past 18 months, Middletown City School District has identified addressing overcrowding and space concerns in the elementary buildings as a priority. In 2018, the district evaluated a variety ...

Tomorrow's Artists Today

Ring Ceremony for Middie XC Champion
On Friday, February 8, during halftime of the Boys Varsity Basketball game that begins at 7:30 PM in Wade E. Miller Arena, Middletown High School will honor OHSAA Boys D1 Cross Country State Champion ...

ICYMI Seven Middletown High School Athletes Sign Letters of Intent
On Wednesday, February 6, seven Middletown High School seniors signed athletic letters of intent. Congratulations to our Middies and best of luck in all future endeavors! Once a Middie, always a Middi...

You're invited to IGNITE 2.0: Activate Bold
Middletown City School District invites educators and community members from across the SW Ohio region to hear from 12 dynamic speakers! We have tasked the 12 speakers with five minutes to inspire the...

Harlem Globetrotters Coming to Middletown
The Original Harlem Globetrotters all-new Fan Powered World tour is headed to the WADE E. MILLER ARENA. Take your family to this unforgettable event where you won’t be watching the action…you’ll be in...

Inaugural Midwest King Classic Brings Together High School Basketball Teams From Southwest Ohio In Competition
On January 19-20, high school basketball teams and players of all demographics from southwest Ohio will come together on the hardwood this January and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in the inaugural ...

Middletown High School Names Nakara Stephens as Next Strength and Conditioning Coach
Nakara will be taking over for Cody Coley, who recently resigned to accept a new position as strength coach intern within the football program at the University of Notre Dame.

ICYMI Journal-News: Middletown Schools’ first on-campus clinic now open to all students
Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark attended the Middletown City School District’s School-Based Health Center Grand Opening. Primary Health Solutions, a Butler County based organization that op...

Grand Opening: School-Based Health Center
On Monday, November 19th at 4:30PM, join us at Middletown High School as we cut the ribbon on the brand new School-based Health Center. This Center is in partnership with Primary Health Solutions! The...

Fall Play: Dead Giveaway
Five elderly ladies live in the same house and all, apparently, hate each other. And what a group:
Evelyn, who keeps acting out death scenes for Fiona, who's writing some sort of novel. Catherine, who ...