Section 504

Section 504
Middletown City School District
Section 504 Statement
No pupil shall be discriminated against because of age, color, disability, parental status, marital status, race, national origin, religion, sex, or veteran status. Parents who have a temporary or permanent disability may request the district to provide appropriate accommodations necessary for them to participate in essential instructional activities of their students. Students who are at least eighteen (18) years of age may submit their own requests.
It is the policy of the Middletown City Schools to provide a free appropriate public education to each qualified student with a disability within its jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability. It is the intent of the district to ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate educational services. Students may be disabled under this policy even though they do not require services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Under Section 504, due process rights of qualified students with disabilities and their parents are guaranteed in the Middletown City Schools. Mrs. Cheri Bryant is the District Coordinator of Section 504 for Middletown City Schools. She may be contacted at the Middletown City Schools Board of Education Office, 1515 Girard Ave., Middletown, OH 45044; 513-423-0781, or Principals or their designees are the school Section 504 team chairpersons and may be contacted at their respective buildings.