See Something, Say Something

We have been troubled with some recent actions within our schools. Through the social media app TikTok, students have engaged in trends that encourage theft of items from the schools, the destruction of school property, and threats of violence. This is unacceptable and it needs to stop immediately.
Our community has supported our buildings and we do not want to see any vandalism, plus our students are entirely too precious to be victimized by any threats of violence. We have a strong ''See Something, Say Something” campaign that helps us to stay safe. Yesterday we became aware of a threat against Middletown High School. We are working with Middletown police to discover the individuals behind the threat.
We implore you to have conversations with your student(s) this afternoon and evening. Should your student(s) have information regarding who might be stealing from the district, damaging district property, and/or participating in the threats of violence, email Mrs. Carmela Cotter at or call the Middletown Police Dispatch at 513-425-7704
Middletown Schools and the Middletown Community are amazing! Together, Middletown Rises! Should you have any questions, please reach out to your student(s) principals.