NAACP Black History Month Essay Contest 2019

The Middletown Branch of the NAACP is having a Black History Month Essay Contest that is open to ALL students! The deadline to submit your essay is Monday, APRIL 8, 2019. Good luck, Middies!
Please express your thoughts ONLY ON THE TOPIC: “#BeConfident”
Grades K-2 draw Poster Pictures (Award dinner 4/25/19 (1 student & 1 parent))
Grades 3-5 write an essay 50 words (Award dinner 4/25/19 (1 student & 1 parent))
Grades 6-8 write at least 100 words (Award dinner 4/25/19 (1 student & 1 parent))
Grades 9-12 type a 3 page essay (Award dinner 4/25/19 (1 student & 1 parent))
Each first place winner will attend the banquet with a parent to receive a certificate, membership, and two (2) movie tickets. Other guests & winners must purchase a ticket.
Essays will be judged on the topic “#BeConfident” in two main areas:
Sentence structure
Paragraph arrangements with emphasis on transition from one paragraph to another
The student’s name & grade level should be in the left top of the page
The date is placed under the name to the left of the page
The school name & teacher’s last name is placed under the date to the left of the page
Under that, in the page center, place the theme NAACP Black History Contest "#BeConfident"
Page Setup of 1" margins
Font Times New Roman Size 12 pt.
Line spacing 1.5
Please, in choosing a famous African-American, you MUST describe their life addressing the theme “Be Confident.”
DEADLINE: MONDAY, April 8, 2019
This contest is for ALL students (all ethnic backgrounds).
Turn your essay or poster into your teacher. They will forward them to the school office secretary who will forward them to the NAACP.
Winners will be announced at their school prior to the NAACP annual banquet.
All schools should be saving their pull-tabs for that contest also!