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MHS reaches next level with ESports

Middie Rising
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MHS reaches next level with ESports

Apr 27, 2020
Game consoles

ESports is leveling the playing field in Middletown City School District (MCSD). Video gaming has evolved tremendously over the years and it is now revolutionizing the way Middletown is connecting with their students. This year, ESports became an available student club at Middletown High School. Thanks to generous donations from community partners, MCSD was able to provide its aspiring young gamers with gaming consoles and the necessary equipment to practice and compete in online competition under the supervision of AP Physics teacher, Joe Stringer. 

Just like any sport, ESports requires fundamentals in practice, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Not only are these skills necessary for sports, but they are also critical life skills. The Ohio ESports League also has connections with coaches at the collegiate level which can lead to scholarship opportunities. Miami University Middletown invited MHS students to observe ESports at the collegiate level and learn how a degree in Emerging Technology in Business + Design will serve students that are passionate about virtual gaming. 
“School is not only about content and core classes. A lot of students need to feel there is something they can work towards that gives them enjoyment. ESports is an online sporting match, and it is very similar to other high school sports. Every week we would scout our opponents to figure out their strengths and weaknesses. During the match, players need to be in constant communication with each other to overcome a challenge. It is this that I want my players to understand; what it means to be a team/unit/family and how to work together to overcome obstacles” said Stringer. 
Overcoming obstacles and staying connected with your team is more important than ever these days. During the Stay Home order, students were able to continue competition in the Ohio ESports League with their fellow teammates. Recently, the league held a competition in the popular game: Super Smash Bros. MHS participants, Brandon Hamilton and Nick Capozzi, placed 7th and 17th in the competition out of 98 competitors.
With the rising interest in the new ESports Club, it is apparent new programs and classes are wanted and valued. Middletown Schools is committed to providing new opportunities for students and staff. 
“[ESports] is still new to MHS, however we are working on creating a shoutcasting area where students can act as ‘announcers’ during the matches. This will allow players or other students at MHS to get their foot into the door of broadcasting and shoutcasting,” said Stringer.
For now, ESports is a club activity but MHS hopes to incorporate the program into Middletown Athletics one day.
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