MHS Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 25, 2021
Dear Middletown High School Parent/Guardian:
On Monday, November 1, 2021, our parent/teacher conferences will be held at Middletown High School from 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. These conferences are a very important part of the school year and can have a significant impact on celebrating your students’ successes or solving your students’ difficulties in a collegial fashion. During the designated time frame, you can meet with your students’ teachers via phone or by Zoom to discuss academic progress, classroom behavior, and any other concerns that need to be addressed. We want you to feel comfortable and welcome while you speak with teachers who sincerely care about your concerns and the needs of your student.
You may schedule a conference one of two ways:
- Email your conference request to; our email should include student(s) name, time you would like to start, how conference will be held (by phone or by Zoom) and what teachers you wish to speak with (each teacher will be schedule for 15 minutes with you); you will receive a returned email of your confirmed conference times
- Or, call the MHS main office at 513- 420-4500. When the automated system comes on with the greeting choose option 8.
We encourage you to schedule early so that you can have a time that is convenient for you. Please schedule your conferences by Friday, October 29th. You are free to schedule a conference with any or all of your student’s teachers. Again, this is an excellent way for you to meet your students’ teachers. If you have any questions, feel free to call me.
Thank you for your attention and consideration. We look forward to talking with you on November 1, 2021.
Carmela Cotter