Meet the New Central Academy Principal

Middletown City School District (MCSD) announces Mr. Stephen Sippel as the new Principal of Central Academy. The Middletown Board of Education (BOE) approved his hire at the July 25 BOE meeting.
“Mr. Sippel’s passion for urban-minded teaching is a big win for the Middie Modernization Movement and one that will benefit our students’ learning experiences,” said Kee Edwards, Assistant HR Director at MCSD. “He’s already hit the ground running, and he’s hard at work with his staff preparing for a great school year.”
After graduating with his Bachelor’s degree from Miami University in 1993, Mr. Sippel worked in urban ministry for seven years in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood of Cincinnati. He started his educational career in 2001 as a high school English teacher in Cincinnati Public Schools. After teaching for five years, Mr. Sippel earned his Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Cincinnati. Serving as an elementary school assistant principal for his first three years as an administrator, he has served as a principal, at both the elementary and high school levels, for the last sixteen years.
“I’m incredibly excited to join the Middletown community as Central Academy’s new principal. I’ve already felt welcomed and connected. Coming from a larger district, I’m very excited to develop strong connections to the students, families, and staff members of Central Academy as well as other staff around the district. Middletown is in position for incredible growth, and I am so happy to be a part of it,” said Mr. Sippel.