Journal-News: Life-size video game learning comes to Middletown gym class

Journal-News: Life-size video game learning comes to Middletown gym class
*In Case You Missed It*
Journal-News: Life-size video game learning comes to Middletown gym class
In this article, Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark spoke with Superintendent Marlon Styles and the Physical Education Teacher of Amanda Elementary, Brad Fletcher, about the newly acquired . The Lü Gym blends physical exercise with virtual gaming to create an interactive educational experience. Students practice math, reading, and science through a variety of games that the Lü Gym offers. Middletown City Schools is one of the first in the region that has this technology in its district.
Read more about this story below!
“Embracing new technology is what modern-day education is all about...”
“It definitely inspires students and impacts their learning in a very positive way (and) we are bringing core (academic) content into our physical education classes.”
“The big part I see about this is for my non-athletic kids and for kids who struggle academically.”
“Maybe you have a kid who is really intelligent in the math area but they struggle athletically and this gives them a chance to excel with the athletic kids...”
“All of our kids can participate on a level playing field.”