"James You Are Loved" Memorial Fund

Fondo conmemorativo “James te amamos”
El Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Middletown, el Departamento de Policía de Middletown, la Ciudad de Middletown, junto con grupos de apoyo basados en la fe, abrieron el Fondo Conmemorativo “James You Are Loved” en First Financial Bank.
El propósito del Fondo Conmemorativo es brindar apoyo monetario a los dos hermanos de James, Rachel y Lucas. El cien por cien de las donaciones recibidas será para los hermanos. Las ganancias no se utilizarán para gastos funerarios ya que los arreglos han sido generosamente donados.
Cómo hacer una donación:
- Para hacer una donación, puede visitar o enviar un cheque electrónico a cualquier sucursal de First Financial Bank con el nombre "James You Are Loved Memorial Fund".
- Puede enviar un cheque físico por correo al Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Middletown, One Donham Plaza, 4th Floor, Middletown, OH 45042 a la atención de "James You Are Loved Memorial Fund".
- Para hacer una donación en línea, los donantes deben ir a https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=UHS9F3LY8UT4Y.
Estas entidades esperan que el Fondo Conmemorativo "James You Are Loved" marque la diferencia en las vidas de los hermanos de James.
“Todos los niños merecen amor. Como familia Middie, amamos mucho a James y seguiremos amando a Rachel y Lucas. Hay esperanza para un futuro mejor”, dijo Marlon Styles, Jr., Superintendente del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Middletown.
The Middletown City School District, Middletown Police Department, the City of Middletown, along with faith-based support groups opened the “James You Are Loved” Memorial Fund at First Financial Bank.
The purpose of the Memorial Fund is to provide monetary support for James’s two siblings, Rachel and Lucas. One hundred percent of the donations received will go to the siblings. The proceeds will not be used for funeral expenses as the arrangements have been generously donated.
How to donate:
To make a donation, you can visit or send an e-check to any First Financial Bank Branch using the name “James You Are Loved Memorial Fund.”
You can mail a physical check to Middletown City School District, One Donham Plaza, 4th Floor, Middletown, OH 45042 to the attention of “James You Are Loved Memorial Fund.”
To make a donation online, donors should go to https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=UHS9F3LY8UT4Y.
These entities hope the “James You Are Loved” Memorial Fund will make a difference in the lives of James’s siblings.
“Every child is deserving of love. As a Middie family, we loved James dearly and we will continue to love Rachel and Lucas. There is hope for a brighter future,” said Marlon Styles, Jr., Superintendent of Middletown City School District.
The purpose of the Memorial Fund is to provide monetary support for James’s two siblings, Rachel and Lucas. One hundred percent of the donations received will go to the siblings. The proceeds will not be used for funeral expenses as the arrangements have been generously donated.