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ICYMI Journal-News: This time, Middletown Schools using billboards for positive messages

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ICYMI Journal-News: This time, Middletown Schools using billboards for positive messages

Apr 9, 2021
Middletown schools billboard with logo and Thank You


Journal-News: This time, Middletown Schools using billboards for positive messages

In this article, Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark writes about the different ways Middletown City Schools is saying ‘thank you’ to its students, staff, and community. It’s been a hard, long year and a simple ‘thank you’ goes a long way. 

To read the full article, click here.


This time, Middletown Schools using billboards for positive messages

April 8, 2021

By Michael D. Clark, Journal-News Staff Writer

“While the coronavirus has disrupted schools across the region, Middletown’s district has also used the pandemic to try out some more high-profile...messaging including most recently two billboards along a major highway… 

“Middletown Schools has used a billboard lease agreement with Atrium Medical Center to recently include advertisements for kindergarten registration… 

“And last month a parents’ organization at Creekview Elementary arranged for some donated electronic messaging to flash on a billboard for I-75 south-bound drivers...praising their school building community… 

“‘Thank You Students And Parents!’ read the electronic message board… 

“And earlier this school year, hundreds of Middletown teachers and school staffers were surprised to find encouraging yard signs on their lawns courtesy of the city schools and thanking them for their hard work… 

“The global pandemic has Middletown Schools exploring different messaging strategies, said district Spokeswoman Elizabeth Beadle… 

“‘I think the difficulties of the past year have reminded people of the importance of a simple ‘thank you,’ said Beadle… 

“Creekview Principal Michelle Peterson said her school’s parent association thought of the billboard… 

“‘The Creekview action team came up with the idea to show our families another way of appreciation to them…’ she said.”


Related: Surprise yard signs pop up at homes for Middletown teachers, staffers

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