"I believe in you." A Superintendent's Message of Hope

Durante mi tiempo aquí en el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Middletown, siempre he sido transparente y honesto con ustedes. Hoy no será diferente. En diferentes momentos a lo largo de mis 42 años de vida, he experimentado racismo, he luchado contra innumerables inequidades que me han enfrentado. No ha sido fácil. En el centro de lo que soy como hombre Afroamericano, me han inspirado mis abuelos y mi padre. Creo en hacer todo lo posible para que la vida de otra persona sea mejor que la mía. Quiero que su vida sea mejor que la mía.
A nuestros alumnos, respiren. Usted representa la esperanza en este país que garantizará el trato justo de todas las personas. Representas no solo el cambio, sino también el aliento y la esperanza. Si, esperanza. Por esta razón, quiero que entiendas que el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Middletown se une a ustedes para hacer realidad sus sueños. Sí, ha habido y habrá momentos en que la vida haga todo lo posible para fracturar su progreso. Por favor, sepa que, nos mantendremos unidos para abrazarlo. Este momento es uno de esos momentos. El maltrato de los Afroamericanos en este país está en exhibición y debe cambiar. Esto no tiene que ser lo "normal" que aceptas. Como su superintendente, siempre lo he alentado a que tenga voz. Te desafío, ahora más que nunca, a amplificar tu voz para crear una nueva "normalidad" para este país. En el fondo de mi corazón, sé que cada uno de ustedes puede lograr el cambio que nuestra sociedad necesita para mejorar las cosas para todos. Prométete a ti mismo que mantendrás la fe, creerás en ti mismo y aceptarás el desafío de lograr el cambio necesario.
Tus vidas importan. La vida de todos nuestros estudiantes es importante.
Marlon Styles, Jr.
Superintendente, Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Middletown

June 1, 2020 (Desplácese hacia abajo para la versión en español.)
A message to our students here in Middletown City School District:
All of the Middletown City School District sends our deepest condolences to Mr. George Floyd’s family during this time. The recent events surrounding the killing of Mr. Floyd, have our nation facing a very important decision. Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. once said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Our students’ lives matter, and I want you to know that deep in my heart I believe in you. I am choosing to speak up to stand for change. For the past six days, many of us have cried and experienced anger as a result of the ongoing mistreatment of African Americans in this country. Today, I am speaking out with a message for our students. I write from my angered, but hopeful heart. As you attempt to heal, I write to you as you find the courage to seek and lead change for this country.
During my time here in Middletown City School District, I have always been transparent and honest with you. Today will be no different. At different times throughout my 42 years of life, I have experienced racism, battled countless inequities that have confronted me. It has not been easy. At the core of who I am as an African American man, has been inspired by my Grandfathers and my Father. I believe in doing everything I can so someone else’s life is better than mine. I want your lives to be better than mine.
To our students, breathe. You represent the hope in this country that will ensure the fair treatment of all people. You represent not just change, but breath and hope. Yes, hope. For this reason, I want you to understand that Middletown City School District joins you in all your pains to make your dreams come true. Yes, there has been and will be times when life does everything it can to fracture your progress. Please know, we will stand united to wrap our arms around you. Right now is one of those times. The mistreatment of African American people in this country is on display, and must change. This does not have to be the “normal” that you accept. As your Superintendent, I have always encouraged you to have a voice. I am challenging you, now more than ever to amplify your voice to create a new “normal” for this country. Deep in my heart, I know each of you can bring about the change our society needs to make things better for everyone. Promise yourself that you will keep the faith, believe in yourself, and accept the challenge to deliver needed change.
Your lives matter. All of our students' lives matter.
Marlon Styles, Jr.
Superintendent, Middletown City School District