Graduation Details - July 9

Middletown High School announces Graduation Ceremonies at Barnitz Stadium on July 9, 2020.
There will be three ceremonies to honor the Covid-19 requirements for crowds and social distancing. Stratford Heights Church of God will lifestream the ceremonies to their website, Facebook, MHS Facebook, and the district Facebook.
While there is no ticket system, we are requesting that each student have no more than 8 attendees.
Graduates with last names beginning
A-G will be honored at 10:00am. Gates open at 9:30 am.
H-N will be honored at noon. Gates open at 11:30 am.
O-Z will be honored at 2:00pm. Gates open at 1:30 pm.
Eight family members per graduate are permitted and asked to sit 6 feet from other family members. Masks are encouraged. All gates will be closed at the beginning of each ceremony. Immediately following the ceremony, exit will be at the field house gate. Sanitation will occur prior to the next ceremony.
Graduates: We will line up behind the home stands. Please arrive promptly thirty minutes prior to your ceremony for directions and line up. There will be no rehearsal. Graduation gowns and caps are required. If you reserved a loaner gown and returned it to us, we will have a fresh gown for you to borrow for the ceremony. A mask will be supplied for your safety.
Lifetouch will be at the ceremony and photos will be taken of you on stage (you can remove your mask for the picture). If you wish your photo to be taken with your diploma, please bring it with you to the ceremony. The Lifetouch photos will be $5. Thank you Lifetouch for the amazing deal!
Immediately following the ceremony, please go straight to your car so that we can observe our Covid-19 capacity limits. Thank you for your cooperation!
Middletown High School anuncia Ceremonias de graduación en el estadio Barnitz el 9 de julio de 2020.
Habrá tres ceremonias para cumplir con los requisitos de Covid-19 para las multitudes y el distanciamiento social.
Graduados con apellidos que comienzan
A-G será honrado a las 10:00 a.m. Las puertas se abren a las 9:30 a.m.
H-N será honrado al mediodía. Las puertas se abren a las 11:30 a.m.
O-Z será honrado a las 2:00 pm. Las puertas se abren a la 1:30 p.m.
Se permiten ocho miembros de la familia por graduado y se les pide que se sienten a 6 pies de otros miembros de la familia. Se anima a que usen las máscaras. Todas las puertas estarán cerradas al comienzo de cada ceremonia. Inmediatamente después de la ceremonia, la salida será en la puerta de la casa de campo. El saneamiento ocurrirá antes de la próxima ceremonia.
Graduados: Nos alinearemos detrás de las gradas de casa. Llegue puntualmente treinta minutos antes de su ceremonia para recibir instrucciones y alinearse. No habrá ensayo. Se requieren togas y gorros de graduación. Si reservó un vestido prestado y nos lo devolvió, le ofreceremos un vestido nuevo para la ceremonia. Se proporcionará una máscara para su seguridad.
Se te tomarán fotos en el escenario. Si desea que su foto se tome con su diploma, tráigala a la ceremonia.
Inmediatamente después de la ceremonia, diríjase directamente a su automóvil para que podamos observar nuestros límites de capacidad de Covid-19. ¡Gracias por su cooperación!