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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


Food and Clothing Drive

Middie Rising
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Food and Clothing Drive

Apr 19, 2022

P7, Key Club, and NHS Food and Clothing Drive

Raise your hand if you've ever mentioned how you need to do some spring cleaning but you never get around to it! Consider this your PUSH to get your closet and pantries cleaned out. It's time!

Let's give back to our community and help those in need. Over the next two weeks, the MHS P7, Key Club, and NHS is running a clothing and food drive. Bring gently used or new clothing, shoes or coats and pantry staples like canned goods, pastas, or dried beans to MHS front office or your MAP teacher by May 6.

Colecta de Alimentos y Ropa de P7, Key Club, y NHS

¡Levanta la mano si alguna vez mencionaste que necesitas hacer una limpieza de Primavera, pero nunca llegas a hacerlo! Considere esto su IMPULSO para limpiar su armario y despensas. ¡Es la hora!

Devolvámosle a nuestra comunidad y ayudemos a los necesitados. Durante las próximas dos semanas, MHS P7, Key Club y NHS realizarán una colecta de ropa y alimentos. Lleve ropa, zapatos o abrigos nuevos o en buen estado y productos básicos de la despensa, como productos enlatados, pastas o frijoles secos, a la oficina principal de MHS o a su maestro de MAP antes del 6 de mayo.

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