ESSER Series Part 2: ESSER III

ESSER Series Part 2: ESSER III
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund
ESSER REFRESHER: The purpose of ESSER funds is to provide schools with resources necessary to maintain district operations and appropriately respond to and mitigate the impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on student academic progress and socio-emotional wellbeing. Middletown City Schools received approximately $3 million in ESSER I, $12 million in ESSER II, and $26 million in ESSER III.

Middletown City School District received approximately $26 million in ESSER III funds to address the pandemic’s negative impact on students. The district has strategically worked to address a number of key areas in the package.
The table below contains the $6.22 million ESSER III commitments the Board of Education approved at the end of the year 2021.
Board ESSER III Commitments
Community Center/MCSD Preschool Allocated Amount: $4,000,000.00
Enhanced College Supplement Allocated Amount: $150,000.00
Professional Development (micro-credentials) Allocated Amount: $320,000.00
COVID Stipend Allocated Amount: $1,200,000.00
Passport to Tomorrow Platform (ABRE) Allocated Amount: $556,452
Total Estimated Allocation: $6,226,452.00
At the February 14, 2022 Board of Education meeting, the board approved $12.4 million ESSER 3 funds to invest in the students.
Board ESSER III Commitments
Instructional Resources Allocated Amount: $4,600,000.00
Learning Recovery & Extended Learning Plan Allocated Amount: $6,000,000.00
Community Based Youth Initiatives Allocated Amount: $100,00.00
Passport to Tomorrow K-12 Pathways Allocated Amount: $1,000,000.00
Facilities and Maintenance Allocated Amount: $750,000.00
Total Estimated Allocation: $12,450,000.00
All remaining items in the ESSER III package are currently listed as considerations. The table below represents new considerations the district has identified to allocate the remaining $1.9 million ESSER III funds to invest in the students.
ESSER III New Considerations
Create/Renovate MCSD Preschool Space Allocation: $1,900,000.00
Total Estimated Allocation: $1,900,000.00