English Teacher's Illustrations Reach Millions as Part of Book Series

English Teacher's Illustrations Reach Millions as Part of Book Series

Middletown High School's Chris Pearce is already an award-winning English teacher and the creator behind the comic Teachable Moments.
Now, his illustrative work is featured in millions of copies of books printed across the United States, thanks to getting the attention of Workman Publishing. Pearce serves as the Main Illustrator for Workman Publishing's "Big Fat Notebook" series of middle and high school study guides. His work can be seen on the pages of the Math, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science and Programming, U.S. History, and World History "Big Fat Notebooks."
"I can't overstate how proud I am of being the illustrator on these books," Pearce said. "Besides being an amazing product, design-wise, they're dead useful books for kids studying these topics, completely aligned to Common Core Standards."
"I've heard lots of stories from parents and kids who have said how much the 'Big Fat Notebooks' have helped them understand things with clarity," he added.
Pearce says more than six million copies have already been printed, and the series is now being reprinted across South America.