Diamond Jubilee Chorus, a women's a cappella singing group held a school supply drive at their rehearsal hall to help st

Diamond Jubilee Chorus, a women's a cappella singing group held a school supply drive at their rehearsal hall to help st

By: Myra Shaver, myra45385@yahoo.com
Over a four-week period, the members of Diamond Jubilee Chorus (DJC) shopped for, and brought in, backpacks, crayons, spiral notebooks, and many other items for Middletown City Schools students.
Diamond Jubilee director, Jean Barford, said, “I am very proud of our members donating so many school supplies for children in Middletown City Schools. Our chorus believes in supporting our community. 2018 is the first annual school supply drive and we are looking forward to continuing an excellent relationship with the local school district.”
The ladies of Diamond Jubilee Chorus sorted, counted and boxed up the school supplies in preparation for volunteers from the school district to come to the rehearsal space in the Middletown Mall to pick up those supplies.
Ms. Myla Perry from Middletown City Schools said, “We are so grateful to the ladies of Diamond Jubilee Chorus. Our students, and their parents, will be delighted!”
Diamond Jubilee Chorus is an award-winning chapter of Sweet Adelines International and sings a cappella, barbershop style music. If you’re interested in visiting a rehearsal, DJC rehearses in the Middletown Mall, Store #116. Check out their website or Facebook page at the links below.