District News

September 5: Personalized Learning Day
Tuesday, September 5 is the first Personalized Learning Day of the 2023-2024 school year.
What is a Personalized Learning Day?
Personalized Learning Day is a student-led day of choice. On Personaliz...

MCSD Partners with BCRTA and MPD for Guided Bus Tours for Staff
Middletown City School District (MCSD) recently partnered with the Butler County Regional Transit Authority (BCRTA) and the Middletown Police Department (MPD) to provide MCSD staff with guided bus tou...

Open House Schedule & Device Distribution for 2023-2024 School Year
Are you headed to a new building this school year? Get the chance to meet your teachers and tour your classroom at one of our Open Houses! Device Distribution will also take place during the Open Hous...
Technology Department Interns Have Busy Summer
Middletown City School District’s (MCSD) Technology Department interns were busy this summer. The team of nine interns was made up of five students who worked full-time and four who worked part-time.
Addition to Student Services Department
Middletown City School District (MCSD) is excited to announce an addition to the Student Services Department. Nicole Wolfrom will serve as a Special Education Coordinator.
While Wolfrom is new to MCS...

Impact Report for First Year of Adopt A Class Partnership
Impact Report for First Year of Adopt A Class Partnership
Middletown City School District (MCSD) is celebrating one year of partnering with the non-profit organization Adopt A Class, to connect busi...

Back to School 2023-2024
Are you ready for the first day of school? Middletown City School District will have a staggered start for the 2023-2024 school year.
Here's a helpful breakdown of when your student's first day is:
School Start Times
Are you heading to a new building this school year?
Here's a breakdown of the start times across our 10 schools:
Amanda Elementary: 8:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Creekview Elementary: 8:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

July Menu for Middie Meal Machine
The July Menu is out for the Middie Meal Machine, you can tap or click here to view it.
The Middie Meal Machine will operate on a Monday through Friday schedule unless otherwise noted. It is open fro...

Passport to Tomorrow Expanding
Passport to Tomorrow is expanding at Middletown City School District (MCSD). Following the first full school year of implementing the individualized learning plan and career-focused instruction for ki...