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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


District News

Middie Rising

Entry Tags (2 found)

Health Internship
June Food Locations

Update #18: COVID-19 Food Locations and Times

MAY 20, 2020

May 20, 2020 is the last day of the May meal pick-ups, but we will be back in June! Starting June 1 - June 30 (Monday-Friday, 10-11 AM), meal bags (breakfast and lunch) will be available from five of ...

senior class officers in caps and gowns

Virtual Graduation Video

MAY 19, 2020

Happy (virtual) graduation day! While we’re all disappointed we’re not in Barnitz Stadium right now, at least we can celebrate apart together. We’d like to thank the MHS senior class officers for push...

virtual graduation graphic

Virtual Graduation: May 19, 2020

MAY 19, 2020

Several members of the class of 2020 have asked to pick up their diplomas early due to leaving for the military and other life commitments.  As a result, we have decided to go forth with a virtual gra...

Student Resources

MHS Grading Update

MAY 4, 2020

Middletown High School Grading System 2019-20  Due to the COVID-19 Shutdown of schools beginning March 16, 2020, Middletown High School will implement the following adjustment to the grading and grant...

student pick up information

Update #17 COVID-19: Student Pick-Up Information

APR 29, 2020

Middletown High School Students with last names beginning with A-M will pick up at the front of the building by the main entrance on Thursday, May 7, 2020 from 9:00 AM to noon.  Students with last nam...

Game consoles

MHS reaches next level with ESports

APR 27, 2020

ESports is leveling the playing field in Middletown City School District (MCSD). Video gaming has evolved tremendously over the years and it is now revolutionizing the way Middletown is connecting wit...

COVID video update with Superintendent Styles poster

Update #16 COVID-19: Video Message

APR 24, 2020

In the latest video update from Superintendent Styles, he addresses: 1.) the locker/cubby cleanout process (aka how can I get my student's things?!), 2. grades and promotions, and 3.) how to access fr...

Chris Pearce, MHS teacher and comic

Teachable Comics: Middletown Teacher Tapped to Illustrate Big Fat Notebooks Series

APR 23, 2020

Not only does Middletown High School teacher Chris Pearce teach English Literature to students, but he also draws comics on his daily experiences. In fact, Workman Publishing of the Big Fat Notebook s...

We Need Your Feedback Take This Survey poster

Survey: Remote Learning in Middletown

APR 20, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians: Feedback from our students and parents is a critical piece to our future planning and we encourage you to answer the questions in the survey as the Middletown Schools Remot...

Schools Closed for rest of the school year

Update #15 COVID-19: School Closing

APR 20, 2020

[Versión en español] Dear Parents and Guardians: On April 20, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine made an announcement ordering all of Ohio’s public, community, and private K-12 school buildings to close to st...

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