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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


District News

Middie Rising

Entry Tags (2 found)

Health Internship
Middie Man

Middletown Schools Lifts Fall Extracurricular Activities Suspension

AUG 24, 2020

(Desplácese hacia abajo para español.) At Monday’s Middletown City School District (MCSD) Board of Education meeting, the board voted to fully lift the suspension on all extracurricular and campus act...

Middie Man

Middletown Schools Lifts Fall Extracurricular Activities Suspension

AUG 24, 2020

(Desplácese hacia abajo para español.) Middletown City School District (MCSD) today announced the partial lift of the July 30 suspension of all fall extracurricular and campus activities. Starting Mon...

Middies Middletown Inspire, Unite, Transform Logo

From the Desk of Marlon Styles, Jr., Superintendent

AUG 20, 2020

(Desplácese hacia abajo para español.)

Dear Parents/Guardians, staff, and Middletown Community:

It is with great sadness that I report that one of our students has died as a result of a medical myst...

Free mals

Middie Meal Pick-Up Information

AUG 17, 2020

(Desplácese hacia abajo para español.) Every Monday (beginning August 24) from 10 AM - Noon OR 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM, ALL Middletown Schools will have boxed meals for each student in your household. Each ...


Middletown Schools Partially Lifts Fall Extracurricular Activities Suspension

AUG 14, 2020

(Desplácese hacia abajo para español.) Middletown City School District (MCSD) today announced the partial lift of the July 30 suspension of all fall extracurricular and campus activities. Starting Mon...

Hensley and Million headshot

New year, new roles: Middletown City Schools Announces Leadership Roles

AUG 13, 2020

Middletown City School District (MCSD) veteran school building administrator Keri Hensley will take over the role of Student Services Coordinator, and experienced administrator and educator Anedra Mil...

Device pick-up schedule

Device & Supplies Pick-Up

AUG 4, 2020

(versión en español) Devices and school supplies for the 2020-21 school year will be distributed to all active students in grades 1-12 at the student's school. You must be enrolled prior to August 17....

Devices for all 1-12 students

ICYMI: Closing the Homework Gap in Middletown City School District

AUG 3, 2020

In this article, Future Ready Schools asks Middletown City School District how the district is working to close the homework gap and digital divide. Middletown Schools is starting the 2020 school year...

fall extracurricular suspended

Middletown Schools Suspends Fall Extracurricular Activities

JUL 30, 2020

Middletown City School District (MCSD) today announced the suspension of all fall extracurricular activities and campus activities, such as athletics and marching band, effective today until further n...

Enrollment Information

How to Enroll/Register new students & kindergarten at Middletown City Schools

JUL 27, 2020

How to Enroll/Register your Child (Kindergarten, New to District) at Middletown City Schools (Cómo matricular/registrar a su estudiante en Middletown City Schools. Haga clic aquí.) Kindergarten, New t...

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