District News

Update #3: Central Academy Parents/Guardians
Update #3 Dear Parents: I just wanted to take a moment to inform you all that due to the amazing work from our maintenance department that all working components as it ...

Update #2: Central Academy Parents/Guardians
Update #3 Dear Parents: I just wanted to take a moment to inform you all that due to the amazing work from our maintenance department that all working components as it ...

Attention: Central Academy Parents/Guardians
UPDATE #1 On Sunday, February 14, 2021, we discovered the lower portion/basement area of Central Academy had a pipe burst and flooded the entire area. This area contain...

ICYMI Journal-News: Middletown unveils $2.5 million in school budget cuts, talk of possible tax hike
In a recent article, Journal-News Staff Writer Michael D. Clark writes about Monday’s Board of Education meeting where “Middletown school officials said they need to sl...

Change of Schedule: Week of Feb. 22
Change of Schedule: Week of February 22 *All K-12 in-person learners* On Friday, February 26, district teachers and staff will receive their 2nd dose of the COVID-19 va...

Engage with us!
Excited for the future? When it comes to our students' futures, we should always be certain. Sign-up for a Zoom call to learn how you can help us strategic plan!

Middletown Schools to Stay Hybrid
At the Monday, January 11, 2021 Board of Education meeting, the board members decided to continue the hybrid learning through the third quarter. The board will revisit their decision at the February 2...

Middletown City Schools Wishes Debbie Sander the Best in Retirement

MCSD COVID-19 Guidelines: 14-Day Quarantine Protocol
MCSD made the decision to stay with our current safety protocols including the 14-day quarantine.