District News

School Safety Update
Your student’s safety and well-being are our utmost priority. We want to thank you for your cooperation and patience while we worked to keep our students and staff safe.

Board Application Due Soon
The Board of Education will seek to appoint a replacement to fill Ms. Novak’s seat. Interested candidates who are residents of MCSD should fill out an application no later than Friday, September 30, 2...

Ms. Michelle Novak, Board of Education Member Resigns
Middletown City School District (MCSD) school board member Michelle Novak announced her resignation effective September 29, 2022, citing her family and schedule. Ms. Novak is in her third term on the ...

Preparing for Tomorrow, Today
You've probably heard about the Passport to Tomorrow, seen the badges on all the elementary school buildings, or read the mailer that went home last year. We've been hard at work breathing life into o...

Your Input is Needed: Sonny Hill Community Center

Meet the New Central Academy Principal
Middletown City School District (MCSD) announces Mr. Stephen Sippel as the new Principal of Central Academy. The Middletown Board of Education (BOE) approved his hire at the July 25 BOE meeting.

Open House & Device Distribution Information
Open House & Device Distribution Information
Welcome back to school, Middies! Here is your one-stop shop for all device pick-up times and open house dates/times. Remember: The HIGH SCHOOL will also h...

A Safety Update from Superintendent Styles
Dear Middletown Families and Staff:
Over the summer, school safety has been at the forefront of our thoughts. The new school year is just weeks away, and I want to thank you for entrusting your child...

New Assistant Principal at Rosa Parks Elementary
Middletown City School District hired Ms. Kate Lohmeyer as the new Rosa Parks Elementary assistant principal. Ms. Lohmeyer spent the 2021-22 school year at Rosa Parks Elementary as the Attendance Secr...