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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.



Middie Rising


Bus transportation for Middletown City Schools is provided by Petermann Bus Services 513-420-4568.

bus drivers
  • Central Academy will be our transfer point for all parochial and private school students. That transfer happens between 7:25 - 7:35 AM.
  • Butler Tech, Warren County Career, and Warren County Alternative will ride on high school buses and make their transfer at Middletown High School.
    •    Note: Parents/students are to check route for the stop close to their address.
    •    The transfer location will be in the back of MHS.
    •    Butler tech will transfer to either bus #9, #17, or #64 for their transportation to Butler Tech.
    •    Warren County Career will transfer to bus #20. Bus #40 will be the afternoon bus for Warren County.
    •    Transfer will start @ 6:50 AM / buses will leave high school  @ 6:55 AM
    •    Once buses leave, they will not be able to return.
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