Student Services / Special Education Resources

Student Services/Special Education Resources
Special Education Resources
- Whose IDEA Is This
- A resource guide for parents that explains parent's rights and responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. April 2012 ed.
- ¿De quién es esta IDEA?
- A resource guide for parents that explain rights and responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2010 spanish ed
- Memorandum to Amend Whose IDEA Is This – Jan. 21, 2014
- Operating Standards For Ohio Agencies Serving Students with Disabilities
- Explains the rules and regulations for how special education is delivered in schools
- Understanding the Special Education Process
- A parent guide
- Annotated Guide For IEP's
- By the Ohio Department of Education explains how to write and conduct an IEP
- Annotated Guide For Evaluation Team Reports (ETR)
- By the Ohio Department of Education explains how to write and conduct an evaluation
- Alphabet Soup: What Do The Letters Stand For
- Created by Ohio Legal RIghts currently known as Disability Rights Ohio
- Understanding Standards Based IEP's
- Created by the National Center for Learning Disabilities documents how to create/write a standards based IEP
- IEP Checklist
- Created by the National Center for Learning Disabilities
- Negotiation Skills for Parents: How To Get The Special Education Your Child with DIsabilities Needs
- Created by Ohio Legal Aid currently known as Disabilities Rights Ohio
- ADHD booklet
- Created by the National Institute For Mental Health describes symptoms, causes, treatment and coping strategies
- Executive Function 101
- Students with ADHD and Learning Disabilities often struggle with executive function (organization, working memory, flexibility, prioritizing, self monitoring). Discusses what it is and how to help
- Executive Function Around The Clock
- What executive function looks like throughout a child's day and suggestions to help. Created by National Center for Learning Disabilities
- 50 Questions About LD
- Written by the National Center for Learning Disabilities
- Behavior and Learning Disabilities
- A parent toolkit talks about behaviors linked with Learning Disabilities
- Learning Disabilities Checklist
- Provided by National Center for Learning Disabilities
- Dyslexia 101
- Created by the National Center for Learning Disabilities includes identification and treatment, warning signs by grade level and surviving and living with dyslexia
- BiPolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
- Written by the National Institute for Mental Health includes diagnosis to treatment
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Written by the National Institute for Mental Health includes diagnosis to treatment
- Autism: Reaching For A Brighter Future
- Created Ohio Disabilities Council
- Ohio's Parent Guide To Autism Spectrum Disorder
- A comprehensive guide written by parents for parents (276 pages)
- Autism Speaks: 100 Days Toolkit for Autism
- Provides critical information for families in the first 100 days after an autism diagnosis
- Autism Speaks Transition Toolkit
- Assists families on the journey to adulthood
- A Parent's Guide To Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Created by the National Institute for Mental Health
- Opening Doors: Technology and Communication Options for Children with Hearing Loss
- Created by US Department of Education
- Students WIth Traumatic Brain Injury: Thriving Beyond Injury
- Created by Ohio Legal Rights now known as Disability Rights Ohio
Helpful Links
- Education Ohio
- Ohio Department of Education, in search bar enter special education
- Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities
- Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities home page
- Cincinnati Children's
- Cincinnati Children's Hospitals online special needs resource directory
- Hamilton County Education Regional Resource Center
- The Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities, a parent information network
- Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
- Opportunities for Ohioan's with Disabilities provides information and resources for employment, independence and the Employment First initiative
- Social Security disability information online
- Pacer
- Parent advocacy coalition for educational rights
- Ohio's Department of Developmental Disabilities
- Ohio's department of developmental disabilities
- Center for Parent Information & Resources
- National center for information about issues related to the education of children with disabilities
- National Center for Learning Disabilities
- National Association for the Education of Young Children
- Publications for parents online or to order free
- Ohio's protection and advocacy agency for children and adults with disabilities
Disabilities Links
- LD Online
- One of the best and most comprehensive sites available
- Children and adults with ADD
- International dyslexia association site
- Wrights Law
- Special education law
- Nonverbal learning disorders information
- Council for exceptional children, big database of information
- About Special Education
- Information, articles, links
- Learning Disabilities Resources
- Information, resources on learning disabilities
- All Kinds of Minds
- Nonprofit institute for the understanding of differences in learning
- Web page for the Learning Disabilities Association
- Inclusion
- Home page for the inclusion press
- Normemma
- Professional development for school and human services, leading disabilities advocates (Norman Kunz)
- Disability Resources
- Organization established to promote and improve awareness, availability and accessibility of information that can help people live, love, learn, work and play independently
- Comprehensive listing of special education resources on the internet
- National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for youth, navigating the road to work