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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


Gifted and Talented Education

Middie Rising
kids on laptops


GATE is designed for students in grades 3-6.  Students attend classes one day a week, all day. Classes are in session from 8:45 A.M. - 3:45 P.M. at Amanda Elementary.

Phone Number: 513.420.4542
Fax: 513.420.4632

kids in classroom on laptops


Ms. Laurie Wood Instructor, Math and Thinking Skills
Mr. Lane Tucker Instructor, Communications

Interested in GATE?

In accordance with Ohio law and Middletown Board policy, Middletown City Schools offers acceleration opportunities in the form of early admission to Kindergarten, individual subject acceleration, whole grade acceleration and Early High School graduation.

The goals of acceleration are to adjust the pace of instruction to the student’s capabilities, provide an appropriate level of challenge and to reduce the time period necessary for students to complete traditional school.

When determining if accelerated placement is the best situation for the student, the acceleration evaluation committee will consider the classroom modifications used to address the student’s academic needs, the indicators of advanced work as demonstrated by the student, as well as a variety of assessments.

Parents and/or Teachers may submit referrals for acceleration consideration. Parents should contact their student’s building principal and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

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