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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


Food Services

Middie Rising
Group of Sodexo employees standing in stairwell
Sodexo staff at Middletown City School District

Helpful links: 

Free Breakfast


Middie Meal Machine

Group of 4 people stand in front of balloon backdrop.
Cindy DeZarn, Chef Jerry Henderson, Jenny Childers, Laurie Kenemer

National School Lunch and Breakfast Program

All enrolled students of Middletown City Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school each day of the school year, at NO CHARGE to your household. No further action is required. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application.

This letter has more information about the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program and the Community Eligibility Provision, and you can print a copy for your records.



Catering Request Forms

Do you have an in-district catering need? Fill out this form! 

Catering Request

Catering Menu

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