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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.



Middie Rising

Middletown Preschool

Butler County Educational Service Center (BCESC) partners with school districts in Butler and Hamilton counties to provide inclusive preschool services for children ages 3-5. We work with school districts to implement programs that build strong, developmentally-appropriate foundations for early learning and ensure that all children are socially, emotionally and cognitively ready for kindergarten. Both general education and special education instruction is available for preschool children with identified needs.

BCESC has established an ongoing commitment to provide recognized quality programming for preschool children. As a result, each of our preschool classrooms has received a Five-Star Step Up To Quality rating from the Ohio Department of Education.

To register: Call (513) 785-6850

To learn more: Click here

The Preschool Programs in Middletown are supported in cooperation with Butler County Educational Service Center and Middletown City School District. They serve all families and students with special needs.

In recognition of a commitment to quality and an ongoing dedication to the learning and development of children, the Preschool Programs in Middletown have received a Five-Star Step Up To Quality Award from the state of Ohio.

What's Included

  • Head Start, a Federal program
  • Special Education, a collaboration with MCSD and the Ohio Department of Education
  • Public Preschool, a collaboration with MCSD
  • Home Visiting Ages 3-5, collaboration with MCSD and Middletown United Way

Program Locations and Information:

Classroom Hours:  8:00 -11:30 AM and 12:45 -4:15 PM
Full Working Day:  7:30 AM -5:30 PM

Middletown Early Learning Center

1516 First Ave.
Middletown, OH 45044

Robert "Sonny" Hill Community Center
800 Lafayette Ave.
Middletown, OH 45044

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