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Reminder: There is no school for winter break from Monday, December 23 through Monday, January 6. Students will return on Tuesday, January 7. 


Personalized Learning Day

Middie Rising
Watch the video to learn all about Personalized Learning Days

What is a Personalized Learning Day?

On Personalized Learning Days, students choose their own adventure made up of unique experiences. On these days, teachers and staff engage in professional development while students learn independently at home. 

When are the Personalized Learning Days for the 2024-2025 school year?

  • Tuesday, September 3
  • Tuesday, November 5
  • Tuesday, February 4

How Do Students Participate?

Students must choose at least one experience from the clickable Choice Board, to design their unique learning opportunity.

November Choice Board

Tablero de Elección de Noviembre

Instruction Video

Career Fields

Daily Attendance and Participation

  • K-5 students complete a hard copy attendance reflection sheet and submit it to their homeroom teacher.
  • 6-12 students complete a Google attendance reflection form and submit it to their first-period teacher.
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