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REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL from March 24-28 for Spring Break. Our Enrollment Office will also be closed from March 24-28. Enjoy the break, relax, and recharge! We will see students back in class on Monday, March 31.


Performing Arts

Middie Rising

Performing Arts

In addition to physical education classes, elementary students participate in art or general music classes weekly in grade K-5. Beginning in third grade, students are taught to play Recorders. These instruments are then used throughout the rest of elementary school. Sixth graders may elect to take art, band, choir, general music, and/or orchestra as a choice class during the school day. Middle school students may elect Band, Choir, Orchestra, Spanish, Technology or Art. MMS students may also participate in a variety of other performances, such as the musical or variety show.

MMS Vocal Music program provides performance opportunities in both 7th and 8th grade choirs with a varied repertoire including foreign language, folk, pop, classic, Broadway, and novelty genres. Purple Pride Show Choir prepares three different shows throughout the year performing for civic and community organizations during the year. MMS also presents a Broadway Jr. Musical production each spring.

The Middletown High School Band Program is a comprehensive program with a long-standing tradition of excellence. The program includes the following performing ensembles: Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Marching Band, Pep Band and Jazz Band. Members of the band also participate Show Choir Combo, Musical Pit Orchestra and the MHS Symphony Orchestra. Outside of school, a large number of students participate in Solo and Ensemble Events, Honor Bands and select regional bands and orchestras.

The MHS choral program is a comprehensive program offering 3 choral opportunities for students. Mixed choir is a non-auditioned choir. A Cappella Choir is an advanced concert choir. Show choir is an advanced level competition choir. Students must audition for A Cappella and Show Choir. Students may also audition for and participate in the All-School Musical in the spring. Outside of school, students may participate in OMEA sponsored events. The Middletown High School Orchestra is also a performing group that provides numerous concerts and community performances. The orchestra also competes in OMEA contests.

Please visit Middie Music to learn all about the great Middie Music happenings in our district!

Performing Arts Awards

  • The Marching Band has qualified for state contest each of last 10 years and has earned the highest rating of superior 3 of the last 4 years.

  • The Wind Ensemble has also received the top rating of superior 7 out of last 8 years in OMEA contests.

  • The Middletown High School Show Choir competes in numerous competitions in the Tri-State area. Purple Pizzazz regularly scores as one of the top show choirs at competitions. In 2013-14, six students were recognized as outstanding performers during the competition season.

  • Two students were accepted into university music departments

  • Six students were awarded music awards from the MHS music department

  • Twenty-Four Middletown Middle School vocal students attended OMEA Jr. High Solo and Ensemble. Fifteen students received a Superior Rating; eight students received an Excellent Rating; the combined 7th and 8th ensemble received an Excellent rating.

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