District Parent Resource Center

Promoting a positive working relationship between home and school
Assisting parents in acquiring resources to support their child's education
Creating relationships that will assist parents who have language barriers
Providing workshops on parent and community interests and requests
"Parent engagement equals student success."
Contact: Cindi Nusbaum
Location: Creekview Elementary - Room 17
Phone: 513-420-4544 ext. 3448
Email: cnusbaum@middletowncityschools.com
* It is recommended that you call before visiting the Center.
Workshops and school visits may be scheduled during these hours.
"Out-of-school reading habits of students have shown that even 15 minutes a day can expose students to more than a million words of text in a year."
- Raising Readers
Books! Please consider donating new and used children's books to the Center.
They can be dropped off at Highview or call to arrange for pick-up. Your donations will benefit students in the Middletown School District.
- Bullying Awareness
- 3rd Grade Guarantee
- Section 504
- Lending Library
- Volunteer Opportunities